
260 Articles Found

Food may be the foundation for a healthy body, but can it affect your brain? Absolutely! In fact, diet is the number one risk factor for preventable disease and premature death worldwide. For that
If you're a woman in your mid- to late 40s, you may be experiencing the symptoms of perimenopause, the span of approximately four years before menstruation totally stops and menopause begins. Symptoms
A larger than ideal waist isn't just less than ideal for your clothes. It has health risks that you may not have thought about. First, what's less than ideal? A waist circumference of greater than 40
Approximately 10 million Americans have osteoporosis and another 44 million have low bone density, placing them at increased risk according to the National Osteoporosis Foundation. Additionally, 54
If your shoulder is painful to move, feels weak or wakes you up at night, you may have a torn rotator cuff, which is responsible for stabilizing the ball and socket joint in your shoulder so you can
Sometimes the pain comes out of nowhere—you're bending to pick something up and feel a stabbing pain in your lower back. Maybe you've been in a car accident and now have a dull ache in your neck that
At the onset of a stroke, the stopwatch starts ticking. Acting fast and calling 911 could prevent brain damage and save the affected person's ability to function normally. What is a stroke? A stroke