Ann had thought about weight loss surgery, but put it off. After receiving a wake-up call from her doctor, she had gastric bypass surgery in July 2012, and lost 120 pounds. Read her story in her own words to learn about her weight loss journey and how she’s been able to maintain her weight loss.
Several years prior to having my surgery, I contacted HonorHealth Bariatric Center for all the information – online and anonymous, of course! One of my physicians had casually mentioned it, saying while I wasn’t that big, I might benefit from bariatric surgery. I skimmed through the paperwork, and promptly let it sit on my desk for more than two years. Sure, I had high blood pressure, asthma and sleep apnea. But as the doctor said, I wasn’t that big. So, I kept on with the status quo, meaning putting on a few pounds here and there, enjoying life and enjoying food. I was always hungry and did not think something as simple as surgery could possibly get rid of hunger.