When to seek help
If you’re injured, it’s important to seek care from a trusted care team. The ankle is complicated – it has a lot of work to do bearing the full body weight and flexing in multiple directions. You must allow yourself proper recovery to prevent re-injury.
“If you have any type of ankle sprain or strain, you should get it checked out by a healthcare provider,” explains Troy. “In addition to needing to have the injury itself addressed, you may have underlying issues that led to the injury such as incorrect form on exercises or hip weakness that could be causing issues with your ankle.”
The sports physical therapists at HonorHealth understand the unique challenges of dealing with ankle injuries and know how to get you back to your individual sport or activity. They know the importance of providing the right treatment for your injury. Your therapist will listen to your concerns and goals, and develop an individual treatment plan with the goal of getting you back to the activities you enjoy.
Could I benefit from sports physical therapy?
Check out some of the common questions about sports physical therapy to see if you could benefit from it.
HonorHealth Sports Medicine
The team at HonorHealth Sports Medicine is a dedicated group of board-certified experts who treat injuries and conditions for athletes, recreationalists and weekend warriors of all ages.
Watch out for these common hiking injuries
Learn about some of the injuries that you could experience on the trails and what to do if you are injured.