Secrets to aging well

At HonorHealth, we want you to age gracefully. While age is just a number, here are some expert tips from Joby Mathews, MD, with HonorHealth Integrative Medicine, on how you can stay in control over your physical and emotional well-being as you become older.


Regular physical activity can lower your risk of age-related diseases and enhance your overall well-being, extending your healthy lifespan. Consider engaging in exercises such as aerobic workouts (to enhance your heart and lung endurance), resistive exercises (to promote muscle strength and endurance) and stretching activities (to improve flexibility and balance/stability).

Regular exercise can:

  • Decrease your risk of heart disease
  • Lower your blood pressure
  • Help control your blood sugar
  • Improve strength and balance
  • Fight off depression
  • Keep your brain sharp
  • Improve your sleep 


Please check with your primary care provider before starting any type of exercise or physical activity.

Two HonorHealth patients eating lunch

Mindful eating

“Food is medicine, and as you get older, it's important to be more mindful of what you are eating,” says Dr. Mathews. “Your metabolism slows down with age, reducing how much food you consume, so good nutrition plays a vital role by providing you with energy, helping control your weight and reducing your risk of chronic diseases like heart disease, diabetes and certain cancers.”

Think about everything you eat or drink to help you make healthy choices. Here are some recommendations to help you along the way:

  • Plan meals and snacks.
  • Limit eating processed foods and foods high in added sugar.
  • Fill up on fruit, veggies, proteins and whole grains.
  • Enjoy your favorite foods in moderation.


Drink enough liquids

Some people lose their sense of thirst as they age. It’s important for your body to have plenty of fluids each day – especially water – so you don’t get dehydrated. Water helps you digest food, absorb nutrients, and get rid of unused waste.


Cut back on alcohol

As you age, alcohol can cause dehydration and keep your medications from working the way they should. It can also lead to less restful sleep and increases your risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, sexually transmitted diseases and getting injured from a fall.

Want to learn more?

Explore integrative medicine at HonorHealth or schedule an appointment with a doctor.

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