Website privacy policy

Last updated April 4, 2024

At HonorHealth, we are committed to providing patients and users of this Service authoritative and accurate health information. To achieve our goal of providing online information that is thorough, well-written, current, and unbiased, we have developed strong standards and processes.

This website, including all of its content, look and feel, databases, domain name (collectively the "Service") is owned and maintained by or for HonorHealth, an Arizona nonprofit public benefit corporation, on behalf of itself and its hospitals, research institutes, clinics, outreach programs, wellness education programs, and home health agencies, all of which are hereinafter collectively referred to as "HonorHealth", "we", "us", or "our". The term "you" or "your" refers to viewers or users of this Service.

This document, consisting of Part I, Part II, and Part III, was developed to describe how we collect, use, share, and protect your privacy and information as a user of our site.  PLEASE READ THIS DOCUMENT CAREFULLY.  By accessing this site, you are entering into an Agreement by and between you and HonorHealth and you agree to be bound by our Terms and Conditions of Use as set forth below and this Privacy Policy.

Notice to minors

To maintain the security and safety of this site, this site is not for use by children under the age of thirteen. We do not knowingly solicit anyone under the age of 13 to participate in any activity of this site.  If you use our Service, you hereby represent and warrant that you are at least thirteen years of age.

Part I - Services provided through this website

This Part I describes how information provided through this Service is selected, reviewed, and updated, and what the role of this Service is in providing information. If you have any questions, suggestions, or comments, please contact our Website Service manager at

This Service provides health information, it does not provide medical advice.

The information and online services we provide through this Service is not meant to replace the advice and care you receive from your health care professional and is not moderated or reviewed by a healthcare professional. Any communications do not constitute medical advice and should not be relied upon as such. Any medical information on any online pre-registrations forms or referral forms which may be made available through this Service as a convenience to you is not reviewed by a healthcare provider until after your in-person registration.

Except where explicitly stated otherwise, this site and all other websites and mobile applications offered by us are offered to the general public for educational or general business purposes only.  The information provided should in no way be taken to be the provision or practice of medical, nursing or health care diagnosis, advice or services. The resources, data submission forms, and other means of communication provided through this Service are for non-urgent purposes only. If you have specific health related questions, please call your health care provider.

Content selection and credibility

Topics to be covered, their emphasis, and placement on the site are determined by our Service content team.
Whether produced by us or licensed from outside sources, our site will contain health information that we believe to be credible and up-to-date. We will not make claims of therapeutic benefit without reasonable support. We encourage you to submit any comments or concerns you have about any health information Content on this Service by contacting our Web Service manager at

Where our health information comes from

The health information on this Service is either:

  • authored or produced by our staff and physicians; or
  • licensed from reviewed and approved outside sources.

Health links

To provide you with additional resources, this Service may contain hyperlinks to non- HonorHealth services. However, unless we state otherwise, providing an external link does not imply that such link may be of benefit to you We are not responsible for the privacy practices of other websites. Consult the privacy statement of each website you visit. Links to other websites do not constitute or imply endorsement by us of those sites, the information they contain, or any products or services they describe. We will make reasonable efforts to ascertain that linked sites abide by appropriate ethical standards of conduct. While we do select the sites we link to with care, we do not vouch for or assume responsibility for the material contained on those sites.

External health-related Services to which we provide a link must meet all of the following criteria:

  • The Service is provided by an organization known to us;
  • It offers relevant products, services, and/or health information; and
  • The health information on this site meets our standards for thoroughness, accuracy, relevance, and timeliness.


Information on health education or other classes will be updated regularly. However, we urge you to call the telephone number provided in order to make sure class information is up-to-date.

Updating our policy

As the types of health and medical information we produce and review undergo change, we will update this policy. The date of the most recent update will be clearly posted at the end of this policy. We encourage you to periodically reread this policy, to see if there have been any changes to our policies that may affect you.

Vendor relationships

We will clearly disclose on the site any significant business relationships between us and other organizations mentioned on our site. We will make reasonable efforts to ensure companies that provide health content or health-related services for this Service abide by appropriate standards of conduct.

Advertising policy

This Service does not accept payment for advertising from any source not affiliated with us.

Product sales policy

Any information promoting a product or service that is offered for sale via this Service will be clearly identified as marketing information.

Part II - Privacy practices for this Service

This Part II of the policy describes how we protect your privacy as a user of this Service; not as a patient. If you are a patient of a HonorHealth medical facility, you have other rights with respect to data within a designated record set, which is a term defined under the Health Insurance and Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 ("HIPAA"). For a more complete description of a patient’s rights under HIPAA, please refer to the Notice of Privacy Practices of your specific HonorHealth medical facility or review the Notice of Privacy Practices included on the HonorHealth website.

Web site privacy statement

We do not sell or rent personal information received through your use of this Service.

This Service has security measures in place to help protect against the loss, misuse, or alteration of information under our control. These measures include encryption of data and using a secured messaging service when we send you personal information electronically. Despite these measures, the confidentiality of any communication or material transmitted to or from us via this Service by Internet or e-mail cannot be guaranteed. At your discretion, you may contact us at the mailing address or telephone number listed under a particular HonorHealth facility website herein. If you have privacy or data security related questions, please feel free to contact the office identified at the end of this document.

Collection of information

By using this website, you consent to the collection and use of information as discussed below. Except as disclosed in this policy and the Notice of Privacy Practices, we do not collect any identifiable information about visitors to this site.

Information we automatically collect from you

To improve your overall experience with the Services, we routinely gather data on activity at this Service site, such as how many people visit the site, the pages they visit, where they come from, how long they stay on the site, etc. The data is collected on an aggregate, anonymous basis, which means that no personally identifiable information is associated with the data. This data helps us improve the Service for you, including site content and overall usage. The information is not shared with other organizations for their independent use.

We may use third-party software in connection with your activity on our Site for website maintenance, improvement, and the provision of targeted advertising. These third-party vendors may use technology that tracks your use of this website.
One third party software we use is Google Analytics to collect website data that allows us to get a better understanding of how our site visitors interact with our online content. If you do nothing during your visit but browse through the website or download information, Google Analytics will automatically gather and store certain information about your visit. This information does not identify you personally and is used in a general way to help us improve our website and tell us the number of visitors to our site each day.

Our web server automatically collects and records the following information:

  • Aggregate information on what pages are accessed;
  • Address of the website that linked to us (referral URL);
  • Date and time you access our site;
  • Name and release number of web browser software used;
  • Operating system used; and
  • Visitor's IP address.

We do not automatically collect the full email address of visitors to our website. The only way we obtain your name or email address is when you choose to provide that information to us. Examples of how you might provide us with such personal information include:

  • Completing a survey or feedback form;
  • Email us with a comment or question; or
  • Subscribing to our email notification service.

For more information on how Google Analytics uses data it collects, visit To opt out of Google Analytics, visit To adjust your Google advertising settings, visit:

You may be able to opt out of certain interest-based advertising using the settings on your browser. To find out more about how these online analytics services manage the privacy of information in conjunction with delivering ads online, and how to opt out of information collection by these networks, please visit: or

How we collect information from you

To collect information about your use of the Services, we use various technologies including cookies, device identifiers, and similar technologies such as pixels, web beacons, and local storage.

1. Web logs

We maintain standard web logs that record data about all visitors and customers who use this site and we store this information for 30 days. These logs may contain the Internet domain from which you access the site (such as,, etc.); the IP address which is automatically assigned to your computer when you get on the Internet (a static IP address may be identifiable as being connected to you, while a dynamic address is usually not identifiable); the type of browser and operating system you use; the date and time you visited the site; the pages you viewed on the site; the address of the website you linked from, if any.

All web logs are stored securely and may only be accessed by our employees or designees on a need-to-know basis for a specific purpose. We use web log information to help us design our site, to identify popular features, to resolve user, hardware, and software problems, and to make the site more useful to visitors.

2. Internet cookies

We may place Internet "cookies" on the computer hard drives of visitors to this Service site. Information we obtain from cookies helps us to tailor our site to be more helpful and efficient for you. The cookie consists of a unique identifier that does not contain information about you or your health history. We use two types of cookies, "session" cookies and "persistent" cookies.

A session cookie is temporary and expires after you end a session and close your web browser. We use session cookies to help customize your experience on our site, maintain your signed-on status as you navigate through our features, and to track your "click path" through our web pages.

Persistent cookies remain on your device after you've exited from our site, and we use them for several reasons. For instance, we may place a persistent cookie on your device that will let us know when you come back to visit our site. We sometimes use this type of persistent cookie with a "web beacon" (see below). Persistent cookies will not contain any personal information about you such as an HonorHealth Health/Medical Record number.

We allow you to manage your cookie preferences to select the categories of cookies you may want to remove.  To utilize this Service, you must allow for the use of necessary cookies, which allows for basic website functionality.  You will have the choice of whether to allow cookies for analytics, marketing, and functionality.  Your selected preference may impact your usability of the Services.

You may also have software on your computer that will allow you to decline or deactivate Internet cookies, but if you do so, some features of this site may not work properly for you. For instructions on how to remove cookies from your hard drive, go to your browser's help file for detailed instructions and browser updates available from the browser licensor. In addition, further information regarding cookies may be available on other websites or from your Internet service provider. Chrome, Safari, FireFox, and Edge are common browsers.

3. Web beacons

We may also occasionally use "web beacons" (also known as "clear gifs," "web bugs, " "1-pixel gifs," etc.) that allow us to collect non-personal information about your visit to our website. Web beacons are tiny images, placed on a Web page, that can tell us if you've gone to a particular area on our Service site. For example, if you've given us permission to send you e-mails, we may send you an e-mail that offers links to more information on our website. If you click a link from that e-mail and visit our website, the web beacon indicates to us that our e-mail communication generated a click to our website. We do not collect any personal health information with a web beacon, and do not link web beacons with any other personal health information you've given us.

Since Web beacons are used in conjunction with persistent cookies (described above), if you set your browser to decline or deactivate cookies, Web beacons cannot function.

Information you provide us

To improve your overall experience with the Services, before permitting you to use certain parts of the Services, we may require you to create an account or provide information, including personal information, to us.  The exact information we need to collect depends on the purpose of the form.

1. Use of data received in electronic forms

Should you submit information on a pre-registration form using this Service, the data ("Data") therein may become part of a designated record set that we create for you. However, such Data will not be reviewed by a healthcare provider and will not be deemed part of our designated record set unless and until you are registered in person at our medical facility. 
We may use a third-party vendors to help us manage some of our e-mail communications with you. While we may supply these vendors with e-mail addresses of those we wish them to contact, your e-mail address is never used for any purpose other than to communicate with you on our behalf. When you click on a link in an e-mail, you may temporarily be redirected through one of the vendor's servers (although this process will be invisible to you) which will register that you've clicked on that link, and have visited our Service site. We never share any information, other than your e-mail address, with our third-party e-mail vendor, which does not share these e-mail addresses with anyone else.

Opt out

If a user makes a request to receive information in an ongoing manner through this Service by providing their e-mail address (for example, requesting a subscription to one of our online publications), a user may make a request to discontinue future mailings. Similarly, if you receive information about a HonorHealth service through e-mail, you may make a request to discontinue receiving similar messages in the future. All such materials sent to you by e-mail will contain information about how to opt out.

2. Website chat communications

We record and share your chat communications on our website with our third-party vendor to manage and optimize our chats with you. In addition to the chat communications, we collect and share usage data, including the device and browser and/or application you use to access the chat, the time and date of your chat, the time spent chatting, and the URL from which you initiated the chat.

3. Messages and transactions

Comments or questions sent to us using the contact-us e-mail will be shared with HonorHealth staff and health care professionals who are most able to address your concerns. We will delete your messages once we have made a reasonable effort to provide you with a satisfactory response. However, they will not become part of your medical record or a designated record set unless and until you are seen and examined in person by a HonorHealth healthcare professional.

Using HonorHealth MyChart

In the event you are a patient of ours and are currently being cared for by our health care professionals, you can message our staff and health care professionals via MyChart who are most able to address your concerns.  You may rely on the personal medical advice given to you through your MyChart account by our providers.  When you interact directly with our health care professionals through MyChart, some information you provide may be documented in your medical record, and available for use to guide your treatment as a patient.  For further information on how we will use your personal medical information, and how to submit requests to view and correct information in your medical record, please review our Notice of Privacy Practices and our MyChart Terms and Conditions.


We may disclose personal information to any person performing audit, legal, operational, or other services for us. We will use information which does not identify the individual for these activities whenever feasible. Personal information disclosed to vendors or contractors for our operational purposes may not be re-disclosed to others by such a vendor or contractor.

We may disclose personal information when required to do so by a subpoena, court order, or search warrant. We may disclose personal information as we deem it appropriate to protect the safety of an individual or for an investigation related to public safety or to report an activity that appears to be in violation of law. We may disclose personal information to protect the security and reliability of this Service and to take precautions against liability.

Part III - Terms and conditions for this Service


HonorHealth provides this Service to allow our users to view information, communicate with our providers and staff, view accepted insurances, and obtain clinical services. This resource is not a substitute for the advice of your personal physician or other qualified health care professional. The mention of specific products or services by this Service does not constitute or imply a recommendation or endorsement by us unless it is specifically stated.

Access, correction, and data integrity

Although we attempt to ensure the integrity and accurateness of this Service, we make no guarantees as to its correctness or accuracy. It is possible that the Service could include typographical errors, inaccuracies, or other errors, and that unauthorized additions, deletions, and alterations could be made to the Service by third parties. In the event that an inaccuracy arises, please inform us so that it can be corrected.

Revisions, changes, and updates

We may revise our policies and the information provided by this Service or change or update the Service without notice. We may also make improvements and/or changes in products and/or services described in this information or add new features at any time without notice. Any revised policy will apply both to information we already have about you at the time of the change, and any personal information created or received after the change takes effect. We encourage you to periodically reread these Terms and Conditions to see if there have been any changes to our policies that may affect you.

Warranty disclaimer

We provide the information on this Service. This site and its content and site-related services are provided "as is," with all faults, with no representations or warranties of any kind, either expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and non-infringement. You assume total responsibility and risk for your use of this site, site-related services, and hyperlinked websites. No oral or written information or advice given by us nor our authorized representatives shall create a warranty nor in any way increase the scope of this warranty.

Limitation of liability

HonorHealth, its suppliers, and other third parties mentioned on this site are neither responsible nor liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, special, exemplary, punitive, or other damages (including, without limitation, those resulting from lost profits, lost data, or business interruption) arising out of or relating in any way to the site, site-related services and products, content or information contained within the "site," and/or any hyperlinked website, whether based on warranty, contract, tort, or any other legal theory and whether or not advised of the possibility of such damages. Your sole remedy for dissatisfaction with the site, site-related services, and/or hyperlinked websites is to stop using the site and/or those services. Applicable law may not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you.


Upon our request, you agree to defend, indemnify and hold us (and our affiliates, employees, contractors, officers, directors, co-branders, vendors and content providers) harmless from any dispute, loss, claim, damages or expense (including reasonable attorneys' fees and court costs), which may arise from or relate to your breach of any of these Terms and Conditions of Use or which may arise from or relate to any information, software, files, messages or other content placed on our websites by you. We reserve the right, at our own expense, to assume the exclusive defense and control of any matter otherwise subject to indemnification by you. In the event that we assume the exclusive defense and control of such a matter, you shall have no further obligation to provide indemnification to us in that matter.


Except as otherwise indicated, all content on this site, including text, graphics, logos, button icons, photos, images, forms, audio, video, questionnaires, "look and feel" and software, is the property of us and/or our licensors and is protected by United States and international copyright laws. The compilation of all content on this site is the exclusive property of us and/or our licensors and is protected by United States and international copyright laws. Unless specifically authorized in writing by us, any use of these materials, or of any materials contributed to this site by entities other than us on any other website or networked computer environment for any purpose is prohibited. Any rights not expressly granted by these terms and conditions or any applicable end-user license agreements are reserved by us. The materials provided by this Service may be downloaded and/or reprinted for personal use only. Permission to reprint or electronically reproduce any document or graphic in whole or in part for any reason is expressly prohibited, unless prior written consent is obtained from the copyright holder(s).

Trademarks and service marks

All names, words, symbols, and graphics representing us, are the trademarks or registered trademarks of HonorHealth and protected by trademark laws of the U.S.A. and other countries. Other proprietary trademarks and service marks may be designated as such from time to time on this site through use of the TM, SM, or ® symbols. Users of this site are not authorized to make any use of the HonorHealth marks, including, but not limited to, as metatags or in any other fashion which may create a false or misleading impression of affiliation or sponsorship with or by HONORHEALTH.

Infected or corrupted materials

You also understand that we cannot and do not guarantee or warrant that files available for downloading through the Service will be free of infection or viruses, worms, Trojan horses or other code that manifest contaminating or destructive properties. Each Member is responsible for implementing sufficient procedures and checkpoints to satisfy his or her particular requirements for accuracy of data input and output, and for maintaining a means external to the Service for the reconstruction of any lost data. We do not assume any responsibility or risk for your use of the Service.

Governing law and choice of venue

These Terms and Conditions will be governed and be interpreted pursuant to the laws of the State of Arizona, USA, notwithstanding any principles or conflicts of law. You agree that any action at law or equity arising out of or relating to these terms shall be filed only in the state or federal courts located in Maricopa County and you hereby consent and submit to the personal jurisdiction of such courts for the purpose of litigating such action. If any part of these Terms and Conditions is unlawful, void, or unenforceable, that part will be deemed severable and will not affect the validity and enforceability of any remaining provisions. Possible evidence of use of this site for illegal purposes may be provided to law enforcement authorities in our sole discretion. These Terms and Conditions contain the entire agreement between the parties relating to the use of this site. Our site may describe products and services which are not available worldwide.

How to contact us

If you have any questions about this policy and agreement, including your rights under this document, you can contact our main telephone at 623-580-5800 (ext. 6, ext. 3) or by U.S. mail at the address below. Your question will be routed to the appropriate department.

8125 N. Hayden Road
Scottsdale, AZ 852578
ATTN: Compliance Department