Lifestyle tips to lower your breast cancer risk

There are many factors that can influence your chances of getting breast cancer. While you can’t change some of these risk factors, like your family history or age, you can make simple lifestyle changes that can lessen your risk of breast cancer, and help your chances of survival if you’re diagnosed later on.

Maintain a healthy weight

Being overweight is linked to a higher risk of developing breast cancer. A healthy diet is the best way to maintain your weight long-term. Your best bet? Eat a diet rich in fiber, fruits, vegetables, extra virgin olive oil and nuts to help lower your cancer risk. 

Exercise regularly

You already know exercise is good for you, but did you know it can help prevent breast cancer? Physical activity is associated with countless benefits that lower your risk. Try to find something you enjoy – think swimming, hiking or even dancing – so you’ll exercise consistently.

Limit alcohol consumption

While in the past, a low level of alcohol intake was considered safe, new research suggests even minimal alcohol intake causes a small increase in your breast cancer risk. You can still enjoy your glass of wine, but the American Cancer Society advises women to have no more than one alcoholic drink per day.

Tips to lower your risk for breast cancer - HonorHealth

Talk to your doctor about your family history

If cancer seems to run in your family, consider taking an important, and possibly lifesaving step — genetic counseling. It can empower you by providing information about your cancer risks, the likelihood that your family’s history of cancer is hereditary and your options for genetic testing. HonorHealth develops your testing plan based on family history and individual needs, saving you money and focusing on the right genetic targets. Call 623-434-6138 to schedule an appointment with a genetic counselor.

Get regular mammograms

Mammograms are one of the best tools we have to diagnose breast cancer early, which increases your odds of beating cancer. Talk to your doctor to determine the best schedule for your screenings, which may vary based on family medical history and other risk factors. Call 623-580-5800 to schedule your mammogram screening.

Care that's made for you

For more information about genetic counseling or to schedule an appointment, please call 480-583-8210.

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