Before bariatric surgery

Your decision to undergo bariatric surgery should be considered carefully and chosen only after all other options for weight control are exhausted. Bariatric weight loss procedures involve major surgery and you must consider the risks and complications as well as the benefits.

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Bariatric weight loss consultations

As a new bariatric patient, you will meet with our providers, including our top bariatric surgeons. Your consultation will take approximately four hours. It will include a review of your health and history forms as well as a complete physical examination.

You'll also learn what you can expect from our medical staff and what we expect from you as a patient. We encourage you to bring a family member or friend, and to ask questions. At the conclusion of your consultation, we will review the pre-operative tests and medical records necessary to complete your chart. Studies to evaluate you for co-morbidities – diseases caused by obesity – will be requested by HonorHealth Bariatric Center for you through your primary care physician. You will need to contact your primary care provider to schedule these tests and make sure the results are returned to our office. All required tests must be completed at least two weeks prior to surgery.

We appreciate your patience during the pre-surgical evaluation process. At HonorHealth Bariatric Center, your health and safety are our primary concerns.

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Watch our required seminar video to get started on your weight loss journey.

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