Cancer care social services
Strong emotions, financial stress, work concerns and the challenges of daily responsibilities can accompany a cancer diagnosis. In addition to the care you receive for cancer, you’re eligible to receive help from a licensed clinical social services team with specific expertise in cancer care.
HonorHealth Cancer Care has social workers on site to help answer questions and anticipate some of your needs.
You might be surprised to learn all the things social workers can help you find resources for:
- Transportation to your appointments
- Questions to ask your insurance company
- Childcare during your treatment
- Financial issues
Consider speaking to a social worker if you answer "yes" to one or more of these questions:
- Do you need to talk to someone about your feelings after a diagnosis?
- Do you feel that you don't want to burden your loved ones with how you feel inside?
- Are you a caregiver who feels burned out?
- Do you feel like you need a break?
- Do you want information about advanced directives (living will, medical power of attorney, etc.)?
- Do you think you may qualify for any of HonorHealth’s support services but don't know how to arrange for them?