Take charge of your breast health

Did you know that 40% of breast lumps that end up being cancerous are found by women during a breast self-exam? While that figure might sound frightening, it’s important to remember that 90% of breast lumps in women between the ages of 20 and 50 are not cancerous.

Regardless, breast self-exams are critical. Doctors recommend that you do these monthly, so you are aware of what looks and feels normal for you. The best time to do one is after your menstrual cycle when lumps would be easier to feel. 

While performing a breast self-exam, check for anything that is unusual - a lump that doesn’t go away after your period or feels like a rock in your breast tissue, changes in skin on the breast and nipple discharge or inversion. Don't jump to the worst conclusions if you notice anything abnormal, but you should make an appointment to see your doctor right away to get it checked.

Clinical breast exams and mammograms

In addition to monthly breast self-exams, it's recommended that you get a clinical breast exam at your doctor's office at least every three years. You should also get a baseline mammogram between the ages of 40 and 49. Talk to your doctor to determine the best schedule for your screenings, which may vary based on your family medical history or any other increased risk factors.

An ounce of prevention

Maintaining a healthy weight is the key when it comes to preventing diseases, including various cancers. This includes exercising for 45 minutes to an hour five days a week and eating a low-fat diet that is rich in fruits and vegetables, especially cruciferous varieties like broccoli and cauliflower. Doctors also recommend reducing your alcohol intake since alcohol is associated with an increased risk of breast cancer.

Remember, with early detection of breast cancer comes better treatment options. Stay aware of what’s normal for you and see your doctor for regular screenings.