Preliminary program

Our two preliminary program spots are tied to applicants to HonorHealth's Dermatology Program. Our preliminary residents enjoy the same perks of being a HonorHealth resident, including our robust educational curriculum to help build a strong foundation for their future careers.

Here’s what our prior preliminary residents say about the program

“Why I chose HonorHealth? They offered an environment to maximize my one year in IM with a focus on education and resident well-being. Leadership was always open to feedback from residents, and…free food. 100% would do it again.”

- Chris Yih, preliminary resident 2019 – 2020

“If you’re looking for a program that honestly cares about you and your education, then you should choose HonorHealth Prelim medicine program. I would absolutely do it again.”

- Dave Baltazar, preliminary resident 2019 – 2020

Specific application instructions

The two preliminary positions are registered with the NRMP as Joint Advance-Preliminary (AP) tracks. Please be sure to apply to the preliminary track only if you are applying to HonorHealth’s Dermatology Program. If you are selected to interview for the dermatology program, the preliminary interview will occur at the same time.

Please note: You must apply to our preliminary track separately – applying to your advanced program does not automatically connect you to the preliminary track. 

You can locate the program in ERAS by using the search function and entering the program’s ACGME accreditation number, 1400300537. A list of tracks with the accompanying NRMP program codes will appear under the program. The NRMP preliminary code is:

  • Internal Medicine Preliminary Track for Dermatology: NRMP program code 192140P2

For further clarification on applying for, and simultaneously matching for, a preliminary and advance positions, please review National Residency Matching Program website.

Please contact us if you have any questions!