
477 Articles Found

primary care
If you've been hospitalized in the past two decades, a physician known as a hospitalist probably delivered some of your medical care. Most likely, this doctor was not someone you knew before you
When you touch a hot burner, you recoil immediately. The nerves in your hand and their lightning connection to your brain make you aware of the dangerous heat. Your sensory and perception networks
cancer and hematology
Receiving a cancer diagnosis is frightening. Wondering if you're going to receive the right treatment for your cancer is a part of that concern. Thankfully, a tumor board can help. Tumor boards are
Food may be the foundation for a healthy body, but can it affect your brain? Absolutely! In fact, diet is the number one risk factor for preventable disease and premature death worldwide. For that
If you're a woman in your mid- to late 40s, you may be experiencing the symptoms of perimenopause, the span of approximately four years before menstruation totally stops and menopause begins. Symptoms
A larger than ideal waist isn't just less than ideal for your clothes. It has health risks that you may not have thought about. First, what's less than ideal? A waist circumference of greater than 40