Meet our interventional endoscopy providers
Get to know our board-certified gastroenterologists who specialize in interventional endoscopy.
Interventional endoscopy specializes in the management of benign and malignant disorders of the pancreas, biliary tract and digestive tract. Our physicians perform complex endoscopic procedures, utilizing advanced technology to diagnose and treat various gastrointestinal disorders.
Get to know our board-certified gastroenterologists who specialize in interventional endoscopy.
Find a convenient HonorHealth Interventional Endoscopy office in Scottsdale or Peoria.
Teodor Pitea, MD, Rawad Mounzer, MD, and Amar Thosani, MD, have performed thousands of advanced endoscopic procedures with outcomes that meet or surpass national benchmarks for quality in endoscopy. They have extensive experience in managing many acute and chronic complex gastrointestinal disorders and have also remained active in clinical research and have published several abstracts at national conferences.